A New Adventure, With A Mystery to Uncover Awaits - Set Out On A Thrilling Mystery-Filled Adventure And Take On the Role Of A Detective Alongside Major and Emilia As They Solve The Case Of The Hungry Burglar!
Frederiksted was a quiet city on the island of St. Croix, where every day started with sunshine! Everyone knew each other and little Major loved his home. Major enjoyed waking up to the rooster’s crowing and the warmth of the sun rays passing through his bedroom window. With a smile on his face, he couldn’t wait to begin his day and spend time with his best friend, Emilia.
Major and Emilia loved mysteries and puzzles and would give it their all until they solved them. Today, however, was an especially good day for our little detectives.
Major and Emilia were about to embark on the biggest mystery they had ever encountered!
The pair received word that there was a thief on the loose. And so, the hunt for the hungry burglar begins. Detective Major and Emilia are on the case!
Come along with the two as they embark on a journey to find out who is burglarizing the neighborhood. Get lost in an action-packed, mystery-filled adventure and put your detective skills to the test.
Highlights: Recipe and Activity Guide Included
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